Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Dungeons and Dragons Day 3: What was the first dungeon you explored as a character?

I have fond memories of the first dungeon that was explored as a character.  It seems as though it was yesterday.  Wait, it was just a month ago, so there shouldn't be much memory loss regarding the character.

However, I can't share too many details because is from a Pathfinder Society scenario named "The Confirmation," which was recommended to me as a perfect starting point within the world of organized play.

The dungeon itself wasn't very large, but we did meet several types of enemies.

Eventually we solved the problems given to us and defeated the enemies to make it back outside and finish out the scenario.  

It is quite unfortunate that I can't tell more about what happened, but it is quite easy to find out for yourself as this scenario is being run almost constantly, at least among the places I frequent.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Dungeons & Dragons Day 2: The first person you introduced to D&D

Well, this is going to be a short entry, as I have not actually introduced anyone to the game as of yet.

Over the course of two nights I did show my girlfriend the basics of the game, and designed a characters.  However, she does not have an active interest in playing.

However, the next time I return to my hometown, I do expect to run a few games to show friends there the game.  As they are all avid Magic: the Gathering players, I believe they're ready for that next step.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Dungeons & Dragons Day 1: Who introduced you to the game?

Truthfully, I have not played a game of actual Dungeons & Dragons.  However, I am currently learning to play Pathfinder, which is an expanded/perfected version of D&D 3.5.

It has been a long process to find the game.  Although tabletop games garnered some interest during my teen years, there were never any actual games to be played in rural Louisiana during the 1990s.  Alas, my gaming up until recently was relegated to the realm of video games and an occasional begged game of Magic: The Gathering.

Also, those types of games during that period of my life had little interest.  Music was my biggest occupier of time.  Nonetheless,  I had a box set featuring the world of Robert E. Howard's Conan, which was liberated from an older brother's garage sale entries.  It seemed interesting, but other than myself there was no interest.  Eventually, I acquired source books for Marvel Super Heroes, Shadowrun, and Vampire: The Masquerade.

Fifteenish years later, life was different.  My location is now Austin, Texas, a wonderful city bustling with activity.  There were a number of factors, mostly involving this city, that led to my foray into gaming.

Firstly, there is a wonderful library system.  One day, while browsing the shelves I came across a few sourcebooks and checked them out.  They were all consumed with fierce voracity.

There is also one friend who has experience running campaigns, and told me about Pathfinder and it being a modified/improved version of D&D 3.5, his personal favorite versions.

My new place of residence has a number of fantastic comic book and gaming stores.  Upon my initial visits to Dragon's Lair I noticed quite a few advertisements for the Pathfinder Society and on January 4, 2014, I took the plunge with a scenario named "The Confirmation."

I was immediately hooked.  As stated in other entries, ChupacabraCon just solidified that fact.  It may have taken a long time, but I'm glad the aforementioned plunge was taken.