Thursday, April 3, 2014

Dan's WrestleMania XXX preview and predictions

The 30th installment of WWE's flagship pay-per-view, Wrestlemania, will take place just a few days away on Sunday, April 6 from New Orleans.  Much like I did with SummerSlam last year, I'd like to run down the card with relevant information and my own predictions.

Winner of Daniel Bryan/HHH vs. Randy Orton vs. Batista

It doesn't take much to see exactly how this one is going to play out.  Daniel Bryan has bided his time and put forth the effort.  Although that doesn't always guarantee success in the wrestling world, it is a pretty solid lock that he's going to win the title (again) on professional wrestling's biggest stage.

However, he still has his work cut out for him.  It is going to be difficult carrying HHH through a match and then needing to do the exact same thing in a second match against two others.

Personally, I'm sure he's up to the challenge.  Bryan has dominated Ring of Honor.  He's an indy king.  He's also a veteran of Japan, where wrestling is truly wrestling.  What else is there?

Bautista is less than a part timer, and honestly I don't see his appeal.  What would HHH or Orton gain from a title win?  Absolutely nothing.  Would Bryan not winning hurt WWE's appeal with fans at this point?  Absolutely

Winner and new WWE champion:  Daniel Bryan

John Cena vs. Bray Wyatt

Anyone who has watched wrestling for any amount of time knows that Cena is going to walk away with the win here.  The funny thing is that in pro wrestling, the winner isn't always the one who comes out on top.

Wyatt is, in my opinion, one of the brightest bits of potential there is as far as the WWE goes.  He has come a long way and is now turning out consistently good promos and gets tremendous heat from fans.  He's had a number of high profile feuds over the past year, and that has now extended to the top babyface.

Cena not being in the main event and not being in contention for any title is just a smart move by the WWE.  Admittedly, I've missed most of his career as I've only started watching wrestling again over the past few years.  However, with the experiences I've had, it is easy to see Cena has the Hogan syndrome.  He's a top draw, children love him, and he sells merchandise.  He must have a prominent position, and usually does.  However, at some point his star will start to wane, and that time is beginning now.  He can still be prominent, but after so many years it is time for the WWE to start cultivating new stars.

Winner:  John Cena, but hopefully this match throws Bray Wyatt into superstardom.

The Undertaker vs. Brock Lesnar

In what I consider "The Battle of the Part-Timers", the Undertaker will return for what has become his only annual match.  He's put his time in and his career speaks for itself.  This year will be no different, despite the competition.  When someone has over 20 straight career wins at WrestleMania, and has been as loyal to the WWE as The Undertaker has, you can't see this year being a loss at all.

Winner:  Undertaker

Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal

Thirty mid-card talents are slated to take to the ring for this one.  So far, 27 of the participants have been announced with no names striking me as particularly special.

Honestly, a battle royal should be held sparingly, and the WWE is quite fresh off of the Royal Rumble, which is one of their biggest pay-per-views of the year.  Unless something special is planned like the return of CM Punk or something on that level, this is simply there to fill air time.

Winner:  Ziggler, hopefully.

Overall, the card for Wrestlemania XXX looks quite weak.  Hopefully there will be a few big surprises, as the main card looks to be quite predictable and stale.

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